Bailey awoke in her bunk the next morning, sighing with a smile on her face as images from the night before ran through her mind. She rolled over on her side, hugging onto her blanket as she faced the wall; Joe's smile embedded on the inside of her eyelids. Hearing the curtain to her bunk being slid open, she stayed put. After feeling the bunk shift, she knew who had climbed in next to her. A pair of arm arms wrapped around her waist, making her smile as she rolled over to look at the owner's face. Her eyes bulged out of her head as her body instantly sat up, causing her to smack right into the bunk above her as she yelled.
The girl broke out into hysterics, almost falling out of the bunk. Doubling over, Mandy continued to laugh as Bailey slid out of her bunk, her face expressionless. She had no idea what to even say.
"Oh my God, you should've seen your face." she barley got out, tears forming in her eyes from the laughter.
"You don't understand how violated I feel." Bailey tried to chuckle, but instead she scratched her messy head as Joe entered the bunk area.
"Are you guys alright?" he questioned, concern on his face until he noticed Mandy. He chuckled. "What'd she do now?"
"She definitely tried to make a move on me." Bailey shuddered. "You better watch out." she faked a laugh, trying to get the goosebumps that formed on her body to go away. Laughing, Joe wrapped his arm around her and lead her to the front of the bus.
"So, we have the day off today." he grinned. "I was thinking maybe we could -"
"Hold it." Ross stated, stepping up into the parked bus. "Actually, that is only half true." Joe sighed, then pulled Bailey down next to him on the couch as they waited to hear what their boss had to say. "We've got plans tonight."
Joe chuckled, "Sorry Ross, but I'm already taken." he squeezed Bailey next to him.
"Ha. You still have jokes, kid." Ross sounded un-amused. "But no, there's a big thing going down tonight at the Amp'd Club about 20 minutes from here. I expect to see you there. Oh, and you too Ms.Baker." with that, he exited the bus.
Sighing, Joe leaned back into the couch. "So much for a day off. And it's a Friday too, what a waste."
Bailey looked at him with a confused look on her face. "Are you really that stupid?" he just stared back at her, making her laugh. "The weekend after your big 18th birthday, hello!"
"What are you saying?" he asked, his eyes coming together, trying to piece together what she was getting at.
"I wasn't told anything, and I probably shouldn't be spelling this out for you right now, but if I didn't know any better I'd have to say that Ross planned a little suttin'-suttin' for our boy Joseph for his birthday." she smirked, getting a bit excited herself. "-But you have no idea about this wonderful plan what-so-ever, right?"
"Hm, what is this nonsense you're talking about?" Joe replied, smirking as a nervous feeling grew in his stomach. He loved playing dumb, even if he knew himself that Ross and a few others had been planning a 'secret' something for him. He was kinda glad that he knew Bailey had his back, but then again she knew that she hadn't known for sure.
- - - - -
"Sorry about this morning." Mandy apologized, trying not to laugh as her and Bailey walked into the local mall. They had the morning and afternoon off, so they thought shopping would be a better way to spend their time than hanging out on the bus, or at the hotel that they were 'staying' at for the 'day'.
"It's alright. Really." Bailey laughed, giving her a reassuring glance. "I was just expecting to see Joe, that's all."
"That's what I hoped for." she chuckled, then shrugged. "I thought it'd be funny, and I was bored, so that's what came out of it."
"So anyway, what's this thing that Ross has planned for tonight?" Bailey asked as they entered the tiny Starbuck's café.
"What thing?" Mandy asked as her eyes squinted up at the tiny menu in front of the counter. Her fingers played with the pocket of her jeans as she tried to decide what to order.
"What do you mean, 'what thing?' You know exactly what thing." Bailey chuckled before quickly ordering a Carmel Frap. Mandy ordered her Vanilla Bean as she tried to hide the smile that formed at Bailey's tone.
"I still don't know what you're talking about." she lied, pulling out a few bucks. "You've got lunch."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Spill it!"
Mandy sighed, then leaned her back against the counter as the employees made their drinks. "Well, bottom line, there's going to be a huge 'birthday bash' for our wonderful DJ Danger."
"-And how come I wasn't told about this?" Bailey replied, trying to sound as hurt as possible, even if she didn't really care that she wasn't told. She loved surprises, even if they weren't for her.
Mandy laughed. "Are you really asking me this?" she nodded. "You and Joe are inseparable. Ross knew you'd leak it, no matter how many times you could've possibly promised to keep your mouth shut." Mandy smiled. "Once Joe gets that grasp of your heart, there isn't anything that boy can't make you do."
Bailey chuckled, knowing she was right. After mouthing two 'thank yous' prior to grabbing their drinks, they walked back out into the mall as the wave of guilt soared over Bailey's body. She knew she should've kept her mouth shut earlier, but she couldn't help it.
"-But anyway." Mandy continued in excitement before taking a sip of her yummy deliciousness. "We need to go pick out cute dresses."
"Cute dresses?" she questioned. "You mean hot dresses."
"No, I actually mean, oh-my-god-I-think-he-just-fainted dresses." she finished making Bailey almost spit out her Starbuck's.
"I love the way you think."
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