"I'll be here. Take your time." the driver stated as Bailey looked over at him. The stretch limo was parked outside of the Jonas house just as the sun was beginning to set. The sky was mixed with various shades of pink, orange, and a little mix of a light purple as the Los Angeles air began to cool.
"Thank you so much." Bailey exited the vehicle, her heart in her throat as her heels clapped up the walkway and to the front door. Her index finger came into contact with the white button next to the door handle. Hearing the doorbell echo through the house, Bailey began to tap her heels in nervousness. She was still completely clueless as to what she was going to say.
After counting to 10, she then began knocking on the door itself, making sure she was hitting it hard enough. "C'mon." she whined, then froze when she heard a faint, 'I'm coming!' on the other side of the door. Listening to the clicking of the locks, she door was pulled open to reveal a messy-looking Joe. His shaggy hair was shooting up all over the place, his plain white t-shirt on his chest was wrinkly, and his pajama pants had a billion creases in it.
"Bailey." he breathed out, his mouth hanging open as he took in her appearance. "W-what are you doing here? You're premiere is like, now." Joe stated, standing in the doorway.
"I know, I know." she quickly replied, looking down and playing with her fingers.
"This is your movie! Why aren't you there?" he asked, his voice still showing that he was surprised. He was still trying to comprehend that she was really standing there in front of him.
"How about you tell me why you're not there?" she spat, looking into his eyes. They glistened back at her before shifting away. "Really, Joe." her voice softened.
"You don't need me." he muttered. "You need to be at the premiere!" he exclaimed, beginning to get a little frustrated with the fact that she was missing out on her big day because of him.
"That still doesn't justify why you're not there!" she cried. "Don't you get why I'm here right now? I need you!" her voice cracked, her eyes beginning to water as she stared back at him. "Joe, I need you. I need you to be there. I need you with me."
"No you don't." he replied, his voice low and his eyes locking on hers.
"Joseph, stop being so stubborn!" her voice cracked, her vision blurring as the tears began to form.
"Don't cry." Joe ordered, his voice softening as he looked deep into her. "Please don't cry." he reached out to her as her eyes shifted up. "You're gonna ruin your make-up, you know." he chuckled, lightly, his thumb brushing along her jaw line.
"I don't care, I really don't care!" Bailey replied quickly. "Now come on, go get dressed! You're coming back with me."
"What?" he laughed, then shook his head. "First, you start running away from me every time I try to fix things. Then when I try to avoid you and save you a trip, you go out of your way to come back to me anyway? You make no sense!" he shrieked, throwing his hands up.
"Joe! We don't have time to bullshit right now." Bailey spat, her hands grabbing his. "Just come on. We have to make it back before the movie ends."
"No, you have to make it back." he corrected.
"And I'm not going unless you come with me." she stared back at him, not withdrawing from her statement as she let go of him and crossed her arms in front of her chest, staring back at him hard.
"I can't." he muttered, looking away from her.
"Why the fuck not!?" she exclaimed.
"Because, isn't Jasmine supposed to be there?"
"Are you serious? Why does that even matter?! It's my premiere. You'd be with me." her voice began to sound very pathetic. Standing at his doorstep, her words repeated themselves, trying to convince him to just come. "Anyway, I don't think she's even there. . ." she trailed off, breaking her stare.
"Uh-oh." Joe eyed her. "What'd you do?" he stared at her hard, then recognized her dress. "Oh my God, you stole her dress?!"
"No, I didn't steal her dress!" she exclaimed, almost wanting to laugh.
"It looks a lot better on you, by the way." Joe added. "You look gorgeous."
"Why thanks." Bailey rolled her eyes. "But no. . .I kinda, uh, hit her first." she trailed off. "-Then took her dress." Joe's eyes smiled back at her, but his lips did nothing but flap.
"I want to laugh really bad right now, but that'd be mean." he bit his tongue, his lips somewhat curling a little. "You're amazing."
"Then come to this stupid premiere with me!" she cried once again, now becoming angry at how much time was being wasted.
"Alright, alright." Joe finally caved, putting his hands up, relieved that she actually wanted him there. "But you go now, and I'll meet up with you once I get ready."
"Ok!" Bailey squeaked, the excitement in her gut returning as her hands clapped together. "Just call me when you get there, ok?" Joe nodded with a smile. "-And there's an after party, and you're going to that too, by the way. They're making me do a speech!"
"Ok, ok. Just go! You're gonna miss the end of the movie!" he laughed at how her mood changed to quickly once he let her back into him.
"Oh please, it's not like I don't know what happens." she rolled her eyes with a chuckle as his eyes widened. "Ok, ok. I'm going!" she finished quickly, then turned to run back to the limo.
"Bails!" Joe yelled before she could take her first step. Instantly, she turned background to see him moving in on her. His moist lips softly collided with hers, her bronzy eyes closing as his hand raised to her jaw line for a moment. Slowly pulling away after a few seconds, Joe grinned, then turned around and entered his house, Bailey darting off towards the limo with the feeling of his lips still on hers.
Once shutting the front door to the house, Joe leaned his back against the wood, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, contemplating on what he was going to do. His feelings that were all over the place before she arrived on his doorstep were now arranged inside of him. He knew exactly what he needed to do now, he just hoped he could actually do it.
- - - - -
"Joseph, are you being serious right now?" Kevin exclaimed into his cell phone prior to exiting the theater, Nick and the rest of his family behind him as he lead them to their limo. They were off to the hall where the 'after party' was being held.
"What's he saying?" Nick hissed, wanting in on the conversation.
"You're being really stupid right now, you know that?" Kevin spat, ignoring Nick beside him. "Do whatever, Joe. Just know you're supposed to be here right now!" he finished, then slammed his phone shut.
"Well?" he questioned attentively, his eyes perking up as he slid into the limo after him.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." he muttered, his anger inside of him rising at what Joe had just told him.
It was within minutes when the Jonas family, minus Joe of course, arrived at the hall. Entering through the huge double doors, they saw that the place was pretty much packed. The DJ was already blasting, people were in the center of the massive space dancing, people were lined up at the buffet on the side. It definitely looked like one hell of an after party.
Departing from their parents, Nick grabbed Kevin's arm at the sight of Bailey; the first time either of them had a glimpse of her the entire night, besides on the big screen. Pulling him over to her, Nick stepped up, locking onto her eyes with a smile.
"Bails, you look amazing." he smiled, leaning in for a hug. Smiling back nervously, Bailey wrapped her arms around his body, her heart beginning to beat even faster. The movie was over, the party had started, and she still had yet to see Joe.
"Thanks." she beamed, pulling away and leaning into Kevin. "So, how'd you guys like the movie?" Bailey questioned cautiously, hoping that chatting with her two good friends would distract her thoughts from Joe.
"I'll be honest, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would." Kevin chuckled, still staring at her. He couldn't help himself, she looked absolutely stunning. "Wow. Only if Joe could see you right now." his voice softened out, shaking his head, obviously not knowing she had made a little trip to his house during the movie, so he had seen her. Joe also left that part out over his short phone conversation with Kevin himself.
"He's supposed to be here." she muttered, her eyes scanning the people around her as she stepped up on her tippy toes. Kevin shot Nick a quick glance, then began.
"It's alright, Bails. We're here for you." he assured, placing a warm hand on her shoulder, wondering why his brother was being to retarded when it came to her. She was perfect.
"Yep." Nick nodded, backing up Kevin's statement. "Good luck on that speech thing they're making you do. Ugh, I hate those things." he chuckled.
"Thanks Nick, that's real assuring." Bailey forced out a laugh, her stomach still flopping around inside of her.
"Bailey!" she turned at the sound of her name to see a beaming Bobby jogging over to her. "They're about to cut the music so we can put in our two cents about working on the movie. You ready?" Staring into his ice blue eyes, Bailey froze. She absolutely hated talking in front of a mass of people, not to mention ones she didn't even know. Public speaking was not one of her things and it was definitely not something she was excited about.
"Bathroom break!" she exclaimed, taking a few small steps backwards. "You know, gotta freshen up." she smiled weakly. "I'll meet you over by the stage in like, two minutes."
"Alright." Bobby smiled, then nodded to Kevin and Nick in acknowledgement before drifting off towards the stage.
Turning around and darting in the opposite direction, Bailey needed a place to escape to. Knowing the bathroom was going to be absolutely packed with girls 'fixing' themselves up, and that paparazzi flooded the outside, her options were limited. Her feet clicking beneath her as the back of her gown dragged along the floor, she headed towards the lobby of the hall. Laying eyes on the door to the walk-in coat closet, she quickly slipped in and closed the door behind her. Leaning against the cold surface of the wall, Bailey whipped out her cell phone to call Joe for the tenth time since the movie ended. He was supposed to make it there towards the end of the movie; now they were already forty-five minutes into the party and he was nowhere to be seen, not to mention his cell phone continued to go to voicemail.
All of the anger and nervousness inside of Bailey's body was overwhelming. He was supposed to be there with her and he wasn't.
On the verge of tears for the second time that day because of him, Bailey began to pace back and forth, her legs moving faster and faster beneath her as she took in everything once again. The boy that she loved had just blown her off and it pretty much killed her.
"Uh, is this thing on?" she heard faintly as the music died down a bit, it registering in her mind that everything was starting. "We'd like to thank you for coming to this wonderful premiere." the voice continued as Bailey's insides went haywire. Breathing in deeply, she paced for a few more seconds before the focused on the voice again. "-And we'd like to have Ms.Bailey Baker herself come up here. Let's give it up!" the announcer's voice exclaimed before being drowned out by the clapping of at least 800 pairs of hands.
Panicking, Bailey stopped pacing and snatched open the door, her body making an appearance in the back doorway to the hall, the stage all the way on the opposite side of where she was standing. Slowly taking a few steps forward, the screech of the mic on the stage made the crowd flinch, followed by another voice.
"Um, hey." a different voice echoed through the hall. "Yeah, I'm, uh, not Bailey, but I'd like to say a few things before she comes up here." Instantly, Bailey's body shut down. Her legs froze as she stood off towards the back, her eyes staring over at the stage where the one and only Joe Jonas was attached to the mic. His dark hair was straightened and styled, his broad shoulders were covered by a sleek, black blazer. If Bailey hadn't already stopped at the sound of his voice, his appearance would've stopped her anyway. "Bailey Baker is an amazing girl." he paused, his eyes slowly scanning the crowd for her. Knowing she was there somewhere, he continued. "Besides the fact that she's staring in an amazing movie, -"
"You didn't even see it!" Nick shouted from the crowd, then received a smack from Kevin next to him and a glare from his brother on stage.
"Shuttup!" he hissed into the mic before regaining himself. "Anyway, Bailey herself, as a person, is just amazing. Her personality is one of a kind. Her laughter is contagious, the way she speaks and her body language makes you feel comfortable, no matter how much of a stranger you are, and her humor is down right disgusting." Joe chuckled into the mic, watching as the crowd smiled up at him. "She voices her opinions in the right way. She knows how to make you smile when you're down, how to make you feel wanted in awkward situations, and how to make a killer pizza bagel." the crowd laughed as Bailey now stood from the center of the hall, listening to every word flow out of his mouth. "What I'm basically trying to say is, I'm really stupid for letting someone like her go. Someone so pure, so. . .amazing that it feels like you're on top of the world when you're with them. -I'd come up with a way better word than 'amazing', but my heart is beating too fast right now." Joe breathed into the mic, his eyes still searching for her in the crowd. "I made a really huge mistake by letting her go, and I'd give up everything I have right now just to go back and do it over." he swallowed hard once his eyes finally found hers. "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. And you don't know what it's like to feel so alone. Every time you smile and laugh, you glow. You don't even know." he spoke right to her, watching as her eyes shimmered, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Bailey, I'm so sorry. Sorry for giving up on us, sorry for putting you through all this crap, sorry for missing your premiere." he shifted his eyes to the floor as they began to burn. "I really hope you can forgive me."
It was at that moment that Bailey started off towards the stage, silent tears of mixed emotions trickling down her cheeks. Jogging around to the side and up the steps in her heels, Joe turned to her as she threw herself into him, her arms wrapping around the back of his neck as her chin rested on his shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut as his grasp around her waist tightened, the crowd beginning to whistle and clap as the two embraced one another.
"I love you so much, you have no idea." she mumbled into his neck, her lips slightly grazing his skin as his warmth took over her body.
"Likewise." he replied softly into her shoulder, his eyes closed as well as he took in her scent and the energy surrounding him. "Bails, I need you. We need each other." Joe took a deep breath, then began to softly sing in her ear, his lips touching her earlobe as he released the air from his lungs. "Everyone knows it's meant to be, falling in love, just you and me."
"Oh my God, Joseph." she pulled away and playfully pushing him in the shoulder. Watching him grin, she smiled as she pulled his lips down to hers, a new and bigger surge of energy spreading throughout her body at the connection. Slowly sliding her tongue into his mouth, she felt him squeeze her waist as she pressed a little more into his body.
"Ok, we get the point!" Kevin shouted to them before the announcer took over the mic, causing Bailey and Joe to pull away from one another.
"I think that about sums it up." he stated, then waved for the DJ to continue blasting his music, the crowd beginning to dance it up in the center of the floor.
- - - - -
"So, back to work tomorrow." Joe sighed, his arm wrapped around Bailey as she snuggled into his bare, toned chest on the couch in her living room. His thumb stroked her skin in a circular motion on her hip as it peeked out from under her tight tank top that was folded up a big. Her loose, messy curls rested on his shoulder as her warm breath hovered on his neck.
"You're back to work tomorrow, I believe I'm done." Bailey responded, her hands playing with his free hand, her fingers twisting his purity ring as her legs bent over across his lap. The television was off, her iPod was off the docking station, their phones were shut down. Just sitting in the stillness taking in each others company was all they wanted. It was, however, only 1 in the afternoon the day after the huge premiere.
"What?" he asked in disbelief. "You're kidding."
"Definitely not." she chuckled, interlacing her fingers with his. "I'm dunzo, I had my share." she stated. "Disney said since the movie was my first real thing, that they weren't making me agree to any contract until I decided that acting was really what I wanted to do." Bailey sighed. "Even though it's kinda fun and all. . .working with you is actually better, no matter how many screaming fans or bitchy co-workers I have to put up with." his chest vibrated as he chuckled.
"How touching." he replied with a laugh, causing Bailey to reach up and pinch his nipple. "Hey!" Joe exclaimed as she burst out into laughter.
"I was being serious." she stated, readjusted her head on his chest. "I don't know. Maybe I could score a job at the warehouse cleaning up the J.O.N.A.S. set or something." she shrugged, then looked up at him.
"Or maybe I could just hire you as my, erm, personal assistant." he grinned, flickering his eyebrows down at her, making her laugh.
"Babe, there's no need for that. You've already got me." her eyes looked up at him. "Forever."
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